Bathroom Drawer Organization: 15 Tips for Tidy Drawers

bathroom drawer organization



Are you tired of rummaging through a chaotic mess every time you open your bathroom drawer? You’re not alone! A recent survey found that 68% of people feel stressed by disorganized spaces in their homes. But fear not! I’m here to share some game-changing bathroom drawer organization hacks that’ll transform your morning routine. From innovative storage solutions to budget-friendly DIY ideas, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and turn that drawer disaster into a beautifully organized oasis!

Why Bathroom Drawer Organization Matters

Let me tell you, bathroom drawer organization is no joke. I used to think it didn’t matter – I mean, who sees inside your drawers anyway, right? Wrong. Turns out, that cluttered mess was seriously messing with my head.

I remember one morning, running late for work (again), and I couldn’t find my dang mascara. I tore through those drawers like a tornado, tossing stuff everywhere. By the time I found it, I was stressed, sweaty, and had wasted 15 precious minutes. That was my wake-up call.

So I buckled down and got organized. Y’all, the difference is night and day. Now I can grab what I need in seconds flat. Plus, I’m not constantly rebuying stuff I already have but couldn’t find. Ka-ching!

But here’s the real kicker – it’s done wonders for my stress levels. There’s something seriously zen about opening a drawer and seeing everything neatly in its place. It’s like a little hit of calm in the chaos of the morning rush.

For those of you with tiny bathrooms (I feel ya), maximizing that drawer space is clutch. I’ve got these little dividers that let me stack things vertically. Game changer! More space, less clutter, happier me.

Trust me, take an afternoon and tackle those drawers. Your future self will thank you every single morning.

Assessing Your Bathroom Drawer Needs

Alright, let’s talk about getting a handle on your bathroom drawer situation. I gotta admit, when I first decided to organize my drawers, I was totally overwhelmed. Where do you even start, right?

So, here’s what I learned the hard way. First things first, you gotta take everything out. And I mean everything. I spread it all out on my bathroom floor and holy moly, was that an eye-opener! I had no idea I was hoarding so many half-empty bottles of who-knows-what.

Now, this is where it gets real. You’ve gotta be ruthless about what actually belongs in your bathroom. I found old mail, spare change, and even a bag of chips (don’t ask). Out they went! It’s crazy how much stuff creeps in that has no business being there.

One thing I wish I’d done from the get-go was measure my drawers. I bought these fancy organizers without checking, and surprise surprise, they didn’t fit. Rookie mistake. So grab that tape measure and jot down those dimensions. Trust me, it’ll save you a headache later.

Taking inventory was kind of fun, actually. I rediscovered products I’d forgotten about and tossed a bunch of expired stuff. Who knew sunscreen could go bad? Not me, apparently.

This whole process is super important for figuring out what you’re working with. It’s like a bathroom reality check. Once you know what you’ve got and what space you’re dealing with, the rest is honestly pretty smooth sailing.

H2: Essential Tools for Bathroom Drawer Organization

Okay, let’s chat about the tools that’ll turn your bathroom drawer chaos into a thing of beauty. Trust me, I’ve been through the trenches of drawer disasters, and these gadgets are total game-changers.

First up, drawer dividers. Holy moly, where have these been all my life? I used to have this jumbled mess of makeup, hair ties, and who knows what else all mixed together. Now? Everything’s got its own little section. No more fishing around for that one lipstick I swear I just saw yesterday.

Clear acrylic containers are my new obsession. I snagged a set on sale (score!) and they’re like little see-through soldiers keeping everything in line. The best part? I can actually see what I have without dumping everything out. No more buying duplicate moisturizers because I forgot I already had three.

Now, let’s talk about those little bins and baskets. They’re perfect for corralling all those odds and ends. I’ve got one for hair stuff, one for skincare samples (why do I have so many?), and one for, well, random bathroom bits. It’s like giving all those loose items a home.

I gotta say, investing in these organizers was a total game-changer. Sure, I probably went a bit overboard at first (my husband rolled his eyes at the mountain of containers I brought home), but once I figured out what worked best, it was like my drawers took a deep breath and said “thank you”.

Just remember, you don’t need to buy out the entire organization aisle. Start small, see what works for your stuff, and go from there. Your bathroom drawers (and your sanity) will thank you!

art deco bathroom storage

15 Clever Bathroom Drawer Organization Ideas

Alright, folks, buckle up because I’m about to drop some serious knowledge bombs about bathroom drawer organization. After years of fumbling through cluttered drawers, I’ve finally cracked the code, and I’m here to share my hard-earned wisdom with you.

Let’s kick things off with expandable drawer dividers. These babies are like the Swiss Army knife of organization. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rearranged my drawer setup just because I could. It’s oddly satisfying, and it means I can adapt as my needs change. One week, I’m all about skincare, the next I’m on a makeup binge – no problem, I just adjust my dividers.

Now, let’s talk about tiered organizers. Game. Changer. I used to have this problem where stuff at the back of the drawer was basically in the Bermuda Triangle. Now, with my tiered setup, I can see everything at a glance. No more forgotten face masks lurking in the shadows!

Okay, here’s a cool hack I stumbled upon – magnetic makeup palettes. I stuck a magnetic strip to the inside of my drawer and boom! All my single eyeshadows and blushes are lined up like little soldiers. It’s so satisfying, and I actually use them now instead of forgetting they exist.

Vertical space is your friend, trust me. I got these stackable containers, and it’s like I doubled my drawer space overnight. Just be careful not to go too high, or you’ll be playing Jenga every morning trying to get your moisturizer.

Pull-out organizers are the bomb dot com. I installed one in my deepest drawer, and now I feel like I’m living in the future. Everything slides out smoothly, no more rooting around in the back like a raccoon in a trash can.

Here’s a budget-friendly tip – DIY drawer inserts. I made some out of old cardboard boxes and some cute fabric I had lying around. They’re not perfect, but they do the job, and I feel pretty crafty every time I open that drawer.

Oh, and don’t overlook kitchen stuff! I repurposed an old utensil tray for my makeup brushes and smaller items. Works like a charm, and it was basically free.

Small glass jars are my secret weapon for corralling all those tiny items. Cotton swabs, hair ties, bobby pins – they all have a home now. Plus, it looks pretty fancy, if I do say so myself.

For families, try color-coding. Each person gets their own color, and suddenly, there’s no more “Mom, where’s my toothpaste?” echoing through the house. It’s like magic.

Travel-sized toiletries used to be the bane of my existence until I created a dedicated travel kit. Now, when it’s time for a trip, I just grab it and go. No more last-minute panic packing!

Drawer liner is a small touch that makes a big difference. No more stuff sliding around every time I open or close the drawer. It’s the little things, you know?

Here’s a pro tip – install a hidden electrical outlet in one of your drawers. I can charge my electric toothbrush and razor without cluttering up my countertop. It’s like having a secret power station.

If your drawers are bursting at the seams, consider an over-the-door organizer to free up some space. It’s not technically a drawer, but it helps keep the drawers from becoming a black hole of bathroom stuff.

For frequently used items, I made a little rotating organizer using a lazy Susan. It’s so handy, and I feel like a makeup artist every time I spin it around.

Lastly, don’t forget about those bulky or seasonal items. Vacuum storage bags are a lifesaver for things like extra towels or winter skincare products. They shrink down to nearly nothing, and I can tuck them away in the back of a drawer until I need them.

Remember, organizing is a journey, not a destination. Don’t be afraid to try different setups until you find what works for you. And hey, if all else fails, there’s always the “shove everything in and hope for the best” method. We’ve all been there!

H2: Organizing Your Bathroom Drawer by Category

Okay, let me tell you about organizing bathroom drawers by category. It’s been a game-changer for me!

I used to have a total mess, but now? It’s like my drawer’s got its life together. For skincare, I’ve got this nifty system – morning stuff on one side, night on the other. No more forgetting to use that fancy serum I splurged on!

Makeup was my biggest headache. I can’t count how many times I stabbed myself with a rogue eyeliner. Now, I use little compartments and even an old ice cube tray for smaller items. Weird? Maybe. But it works!

Hair stuff used to drive me nuts. Hair ties would breed like rabbits! I finally got smart and got a container with sections. No more bobby pin avalanches every time I open the drawer.

Dental hygiene’s pretty simple now – covered toothbrush holder (because, ew, bathroom germs) and a basket for everything else.

For first aid and meds, I’ve got a separate container. It’s like a mini pharmacy right there in my bathroom. Super handy when you need a Band-Aid ASAP.

The real MVP? Labels. I went a bit crazy with ’em, but man, it makes mornings so much easier.

luxe bathroom storage ideas

Maintaining Your Organized Bathroom Drawer

Let’s chat about keeping those bathroom drawers in check once you’ve got ’em organized. It’s like maintaining a garden – you can’t just plant the flowers and walk away, ya know?

I learned this the hard way. After spending a whole weekend organizing my drawers, I thought I was set for life. Ha! A month later, it looked like a makeup bomb had exploded in there. That’s when I realized maintenance is key.

First up, the “one in, one out” rule. This was a tough one for me, I’ll admit. I’m a sucker for new products. But now, when I buy a new moisturizer, an old one’s gotta go. It keeps things from getting out of hand and honestly, it’s saved me some cash too.

Decluttering regularly? Yeah, it’s a pain, but it’s necessary. I set a reminder on my phone to check expiration dates every few months. You wouldn’t believe how many ancient face masks I’ve tossed. And let’s not talk about that mascara from who-knows-when. Yikes.

Now, here’s where I messed up before – I didn’t clean the actual drawer. Gross, right? Now I do a monthly wipe-down. It’s oddly satisfying, and it gives me a chance to reassess my organization system.

Sometimes I’ll notice I’m not using a product much, so I’ll move it to a different spot or maybe even toss it. It’s like a mini-makeover for my drawer every month.

Look, I’m not perfect. There are still days when I’m in a rush and just toss things in willy-nilly. But having a system makes it so much easier to get back on track. And honestly? Opening that drawer to see everything in its place is like a little hit of joy every morning.

So yeah, maintaining your organized drawer takes some effort. But trust me, future-you will be so grateful when you’re not digging through a mess at 6 AM trying to find your favorite lipstick.

H2: Sustainable Bathroom Drawer Organization Tips

Alright, let’s talk sustainable bathroom drawer organization. I gotta admit, I used to be all about those plastic organizers. But then I had this eco-guilt moment while watching a documentary about ocean pollution. Talk about a wake-up call!

So, I started looking for eco-friendly alternatives. Bamboo organizers? Total game-changer. They look sleek and don’t make me feel like I’m contributing to some future plastic island.

I also got into the whole “reduce plastic” thing. Switched to a bamboo toothbrush, started using shampoo bars instead of bottles. It’s crazy how much less cluttered my drawer looks now.

But here’s where it gets fun – upcycling! I turned some old mason jars into holders for cotton swabs and hair ties. And get this, I repurposed an old cutlery tray for my makeup brushes. It’s like my drawer got a hipster makeover!

One time, I tried making my own organizers out of cardboard boxes. Let’s just say it didn’t go as planned – ended up with a soggy mess. Lesson learned: bathroom humidity and cardboard don’t mix.

It’s not perfect, and sometimes I slip up and buy something plastic. But hey, progress not perfection, right? My drawer’s looking pretty eco-chic these days, if I do say so myself.


Congratulations! You’re now armed with 15 genius bathroom drawer organization hacks that’ll transform your space from cluttered chaos to streamlined serenity. Remember, an organized bathroom drawer isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s about creating a stress-free environment that sets the tone for your entire day. By implementing these tips and tricks, you’ll save time, reduce stress, and maybe even discover long-lost treasures hiding in the depths of your drawers! So why wait? Grab those organizers, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to fall in love with your bathroom all over again. Your future self will thank you every single morning!


1. Q: How often should I reorganize my bathroom drawers?
A: Well, from my experience, doing a quick tidy-up every week and a deep clean monthly works wonders. I used to let it go for months, and let me tell you, it was not pretty. Now I spend about 5 minutes each week putting things back where they belong, and once a month I’ll take everything out, wipe down the drawers, and reassess my organization system. It’s like giving your drawers a mini spa day!

2. Q: What’s the best way to organize makeup in a drawer?
A: Oh boy, I’ve tried everything under the sun for this one. What works best for me is using small, clear acrylic organizers or even an old ice cube tray. I group similar items together – all my lipsticks in one section, eye products in another. And here’s a pro tip: stand your brushes up in a cute cup or holder. It saves space and keeps them from getting squished. Trust me, your future self will thank you when you’re not fishing for that one eyeliner at 7 AM!

3. Q: How can I maximize space in a small bathroom drawer?
A: I feel you on this one – my first apartment had the tiniest bathroom drawers ever. The game-changer for me was going vertical. Use stackable organizers or even just small boxes to create levels in your drawer. Also, don’t underestimate the power of door hangers or over-the-toilet storage to free up drawer space. And hey, be ruthless about what you really need in there. Do you actually use those 15 half-empty lotion bottles? Probably not.

4. Q: What’s the best way to keep drawer organizers clean?
A: Okay, I learned this the hard way after finding some pretty gross gunk buildup in my organizers. Now, I take everything out once a month and give the organizers a good wash. For plastic ones, I use warm soapy water. For fabric ones, a quick run through the washing machine does the trick. Just make sure they’re completely dry before putting everything back. Oh, and liner paper is your friend – it catches spills and makes cleaning so much easier.

5. Q: How do I maintain my organized drawers long-term?
A: This is the million-dollar question, isn’t it? I struggled with this for ages. The key for me has been the “one in, one out” rule. Every time I buy something new, something old has to go. It keeps things from getting cluttered. Also, I do a quick scan every few months for expired products. And honestly? Sometimes you just need to reassess your system. What worked for me last year might not work now, and that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to switch things up if it’s not working anymore. Organization is a journey, not a destination!


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