How to Declutter Your Bathroom in 30 Minutes or Less

A Quick & Easy Guide (2024)

declutter your bathroom



Can you believe the average person spends 416 days of their life in the bathroom? Yet, for many, this vital space turns into a cluttered mess, overflowing with expired products and forgotten items. The good news? You don’t need an entire weekend to fix it! In just 30 minutes, you can declutter your bathroom and turn it into a calm, organized space. Ready to dive in? Let me walk you through an easy, proven method to make it happen!

Set Yourself Up for Success (5 Minutes)

Y’all, I’ve decluttered hundreds of bathrooms over my years as a home organizer, and I’ve learned that preparation is absolutely everything. Trust me, the five minutes you spend getting organized will save you from that dreaded “deer in headlights” feeling when faced with expired medications and countless half-empty shampoo bottles.

First things first: grab three containers. I prefer using a garbage bag for trash, a paper bag for recycling (those empty toilet paper rolls add up!), and a sturdy box for donations. Pro tip: those beauty subscription boxes make perfect donation containers for all those barely-used lotions and potions.

The game-changer for me was discovering how music transforms this task. Pop on your favorite playlist or that true crime podcast you’ve been saving – it’s amazing how time flies when you’re entertained. I always set a 30-minute timer on my phone; it keeps me focused and prevents those “3-hour organization rabbit holes” we’ve all fallen into.

Clear off that counter space completely – you’ll need a proper sorting zone. And please, learn from my mistakes: have those cleaning supplies ready! Nothing’s worse than finding a dusty corner behind the toilet and having to run to the kitchen for supplies with hands covered in old hair products.

Quick-Sort Your Items (10 Minutes)

Let me tell you about the time I found six half-empty bottles of the exact same shampoo lurking in my shower caddy. Talk about a wake-up call! Now I’ve got this quick-sort system down to a science, and I’m gonna share my tried-and-true method with you.

First up, let’s tackle those three piles. I like to use the “touch it once” rule – when you pick something up, make an immediate decision. No wishy-washy “maybe” piles allowed! I learned that one after spending way too much time second-guessing every decision about every random hotel lotion I’d collected.

Here’s a super helpful tip about expiration dates: flip those bottles over and check the little symbol that looks like an open jar with a number in it. That tells you how many months the product is good for after opening. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found moisturizers that were practically fossils!

Speaking of skincare, be brutal with those samples and half-used products. If you haven’t touched it in three months, chances are you won’t. My golden rule for medication: if you can’t remember when you bought it, it needs to go. (Just make sure to properly dispose of meds at your local pharmacy!)

Don’t forget to give those towels the stretch test – if they’re losing their shape or sporting mysterious stains, it’s time to demote them to cleaning rags or pet towels.

quick declutter tips

Tackle the Problem Areas (10 Minutes)

Oh boy, let me tell you about the time I discovered a leak under my sink because I had so much stuff crammed in there, I couldn’t see the dripping pipe! That was definitely my wake-up call to get serious about those sneaky bathroom storage spots that tend to become chaos zones.

The under-sink area is like the final boss of bathroom organization. I’ve learned to use clear bins (dollar store finds work great!) to create zones – cleaning supplies in one, extra toiletries in another. Pro tip: stick a few moisture-absorbing packets down there to prevent that weird musty smell that always seems to develop.

The medicine cabinet used to be my personal shame corner until I developed my “top shelf, eye-level, bottom shelf” system. Daily items at eye level, occasional stuff up top, and rarely-used items down below. Speaking of which, don’t forget to check the corners – I once found a cough syrup from when flip phones were still cool!

For the shower area, I’m a huge fan of the “one in, one out” rule. Got a new shampoo? Great – but that means an old one’s gotta go! And those drawers? Try using old iPhone boxes as dividers – works like a charm for corralling all those random hair ties and bobby pins that seem to multiply overnight.

Remember, maximizing cabinet space isn’t about cramming more in – it’s about making what you have easily accessible. Trust me on this one!

Organize What’s Left (5 Minutes)

After years of trial and error (and one memorable incident where everything tumbled out of my cabinet like an avalanche), I’ve finally cracked the code on keeping bathroom items organized long-term. The secret? Making it so simple that even my messiest family members can maintain it!

Think of your bathroom like a mini drugstore – everything needs its own department. I group all my skincare stuff together, hair products in another zone, and dental care has its own special corner. Game changer alert: those little turntable organizers from the dollar store are absolute magic for corralling those tall bottles that always get lost in the back of cabinets.

Before putting anything back, give those surfaces a quick wipe-down. I learned this lesson after discovering some truly questionable sticky spots under my toothbrush holder (yuck!). For my family, I use different colored bins for each person – blue for hubby, pink for me, and yellow for shared items. No more arguments about whose hair tie is whose!

And here’s my favorite lazy-but-effective tip: snap a quick photo of your organized spaces on your phone. It’s like having a reset button – when things get messy again (because let’s be real, they will), you’ve got a reference for how everything should look. Trust me, this five-minute investment will save you hours of frustration later!

30-minute cleaning routine

Maintain Your Progress

Confession time: I used to be that person who’d deep clean their bathroom, only to have it looking like a beauty store exploded within a week. But after watching my mom maintain her perfectly organized bathroom for decades, I finally figured out the secret sauce to keeping things under control.

The “one in, one out” rule has been an absolute game-changer for me. When that new face cream arrives from my latest online shopping spree, something else has got to go! I actually keep a small basket under the sink labeled “exit box” for items that need to leave – it makes the whole process less painful.

Here’s a super practical tip I picked up: use a Sharpie to write the opening date on products. I used to play this weird guessing game with my skincare items until I found a half-used face mask that had turned a suspicious shade of brown (ew!). Now I do quick monthly checks during my Sunday self-care routine – it takes like 5 minutes tops.

Getting the fam on board was tricky until I made it stupid-simple. Each person has their own caddy, and everything goes back in it after use. Period. And our evening reset routine? Just 60 seconds of putting things away while brushing teeth. Even my teenager manages to (mostly) stick to it!

Conclusion: There you have it – a clutter-free bathroom in just 30 minutes! Remember, the key to maintaining this organized space isn’t perfection; it’s creating simple systems that work for your lifestyle. Ready to tackle your bathroom declutter? Grab that timer and let’s get started! Your serene, organized oasis awaits.

FAQ’s RELATED TO How to Declutter Your Bathroom

Q: How often should I really declutter my bathroom? A: From my years of home organization experience, I recommend a quick 30-minute declutter session once a month, with a deeper clean every season. Monthly check-ins help you catch expired products and prevent overwhelming buildup. Think of it like this: spend 30 minutes now to save hours of frustration later! I typically do mine on the first Sunday of each month while listening to my favorite podcast.

Q: What do I do with all those half-used beauty products I feel guilty throwing away? A: Trust me, I get that guilty feeling! But here’s the deal: if you haven’t used it in 3 months, it’s probably time to let it go. For gently used items like unopened soaps or unused makeup, consider donating them to local women’s shelters (just check their acceptance policies first). For opened products, unfortunately, they need to go – bacteria builds up over time, and your skin deserves better than expired products!

Q: How do I maintain organization when sharing a bathroom with family members? A: Oh boy, this was a game-changer in our house! Assign everyone their own bin or caddy in their favorite color. We use those inexpensive plastic caddies – blue for my husband, pink for me, and separate ones for each kid. Everything goes back in their caddy after use. Non-negotiable! For shared items like toilet paper and hand soap, we have a designated “community” space. It’s not perfect, but it’s cut our bathroom chaos by about 80%!

Q: What’s the best way to organize under the bathroom sink? A: The under-sink area used to be my nemesis until I discovered the magic of clear, stackable containers! First, use expandable shelf organizers to maximize vertical space. Then, categorize items into clear bins: cleaning supplies in one, extra toiletries in another, and hair tools in a third. Pro tip: measure your space before buying containers – I learned this the hard way after purchasing bins that were too tall for my cabinet!

Q: How long should I keep toiletries and makeup before tossing them? A: Let me break this down because I used to be so confused about this too! As a general rule: mascara should go after 3 months, lipsticks can last 2 years, moisturizers typically 6-12 months after opening. For toiletries, most unopened products are good for 3 years. The key is checking that little jar symbol on products – it shows how many months the item is good for after opening. I write opening dates on everything with a Sharpie now. And remember: if it smells funny, looks weird, or you can’t remember when you bought it, toss it!


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